Author: Daniele Visioni (page 1 of 3)

Kicking the can down the road: understanding the effects of delaying the deployment of stratospheric aerosol injection

Brody, E., Visioni, D., Bednarz, E.M., Kravitz, B., MacMartin, D.G., Richter, J.H., Tye, M.R., 2024. Kicking the can down the road: understanding the effects of delaying the deployment of stratospheric aerosol injection. Environ. Res.: Climate 3, 035011.

Carbon Cycle Response to Stratospheric Aerosol Injection With Multiple Temperature Stabilization Targets and Strategies

Zhao, M.Cao, L.Visioni, D., & MacMartin, D. G. (2024). Carbon cycle response to stratospheric aerosol injection with multiple temperature stabilization targets and strategiesEarth’s Future12, e2024EF004474.

A Living Assessment of Different Materials for Stratospheric Aerosol Injection—Building Bridges Between Model World and the Messiness of Reality

Visioni, D.Quaglia, I., & Steinke, I. (2024). A living assessment of different materials for stratospheric aerosol injection—Building bridges between model world and the messiness of realityGeophysical Research Letters51, e2024GL108314.

The Potential of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection to Reduce the Climatic Risks of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions

Quaglia, I.Visioni, D.Bednarz, E. M.MacMartin, D. G., & Kravitz, B. (2024). The potential of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection to reduce the climatic risks of explosive volcanic eruptionsGeophysical Research Letters51, e2023GL107702.

G6-1.5K-SAI: a new Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) experiment integrating recent advances in solar radiation modification studies

Visioni, D., Robock, A., Haywood, J., Henry, M., Tilmes, S., MacMartin, D. G., Kravitz, B., Doherty, S. J., Moore, J., Lennard, C., Watanabe, S., Muri, H., Niemeier, U., Boucher, O., Syed, A., Egbebiyi, T. S., Séférian, R., and Quaglia, I.: G6-1.5K-SAI: a new Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) experiment integrating recent advances in solar radiation modification studies, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 2583–2596,, 2024.

Hemispherically symmetric strategies for stratospheric aerosol injection

Zhang, Y., MacMartin, D. G., Visioni, D., Bednarz, E. M., and Kravitz, B.: Hemispherically symmetric strategies for stratospheric aerosol injection, Earth Syst. Dynam., 15, 191–213,, 2024.

Potential Non-Linearities in the High Latitude Circulation and Ozone Response to Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

Bednarz, E. M.Visioni, D.Butler, A. H.Kravitz, B.MacMartin, D. G., & Tilmes, S. (2023). Potential non-linearities in the high latitude circulation and ozone response to stratospheric aerosol injectionGeophysical Research Letters50, e2023GL104726.

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Can Reduce Risks to Antarctic Ice Loss Depending on Injection Location and Amount

Goddard, P. B.Kravitz, B.MacMartin, D. G.Visioni, D.Bednarz, E. M., & Lee, W. R. (2023). Stratospheric aerosol injection can reduce risks to Antarctic ice loss depending on injection location and amountJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres128, e2023JD039434.

Injection strategy – a driver of atmospheric circulation and ozone response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering

Bednarz, E. M., Butler, A. H., Visioni, D., Zhang, Y., Kravitz, B., and MacMartin, D. G.: Injection strategy – a driver of atmospheric circulation and ozone response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 13665–13684,, 2023.

Quantifying the efficiency of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering at different altitudes.

Lee, W. R.Visioni, D.Bednarz, E. M.MacMartin, D. G.Kravitz, B., & Tilmes, S. (2023). Quantifying the efficiency of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering at different altitudesGeophysical Research Letters50, e2023GL104417.

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